AccountBase Address App AppRequest Authorization Building BusinessAccount Country Culture Data DataContainer DataRequestOrder ExtendedProperty ExtendedPropertyValue FileLTU FileLTUContainer FileLTURequestOrder FileStore Flux FluxContainer FluxRequestOrder InfrastructureBase InfrastructureShortBase IRequestOrderBase LTU LTUBase LTUContainer LTUeWon Message Organization Point PointGroup Preparation QuickStart ReflectionAnalogic ReflectionBase ReflectionCommandAnalogic ReflectionCommandBase ReflectionCommandDigital ReflectionCommandDuret ReflectionCommandEwon ReflectionCommandGroup ReflectionCommandGroupContainer ReflectionCommandGroupExecutionSummary ReflectionCommandGroupItem ReflectionCommandGroupPhaseSummary ReflectionCommandMultiple ReflectionCommandPlanning ReflectionCommandState ReflectionCommandSystem ReflectionCommandText ReflectionCommandUnitOfProd ReflectionContainer ReflectionDataAnalogic ReflectionDataBase ReflectionDataContainer ReflectionDataDigital ReflectionDataDuret ReflectionDataEwon ReflectionDataPlanning ReflectionDataState ReflectionDataSystem ReflectionDataText ReflectionDataUnitOfProd ReflectionDigital ReflectionEvent ReflectionEwon ReflectionFormat ReflectionGeneric ReflectionItemAnalogic ReflectionItemBase ReflectionItemDigital ReflectionItemList ReflectionItemText ReflectionParameterAnalogic ReflectionPlanning ReflectionRequestOrder ReflectionState ReflectionStateReference ReflectionSystem ReflectionTemplate ReflectionText ReflectionUnitOfProd Role RoleStatus Site User ValueAnalogic ValueBase ValueDigital ValueText WAC WBase WCAExceptionResource WDCParameter WDCService WEvent WEventCategory WEventItem WEventsContainer WEventsRequestOrder WEventType WUM WUMFunction WUMMaterial WUMType WUMUnit WUMUnitCategory WUMUnitFamily WUMUnitItem Zone
Preferred message format


Operation allow Flux sharing to outside users: without Authorization on your BusinessAccount.


You need to take two decisions when you share a Flux:

  • share for outside request on WAPI
  • share as OpenData file on WebApp Developer view OpenData section above
Operation allow both sharing and unsharing

Version Alpha
Require User context


PATCH    /{WAC}/Flux/{FluxID}/Share/{Public}    


Parameter Required Sample Description
FluxID 21 ID of Flux
Public true When True, Flux can be accessed by every outside requestor authenticated even if user do not have Authorization on BusinessAccount
WAC WAC123456789012 Code of BusinessAccount
IsOpenData false When True, Flux is accessible as OpenData file to everyone
IsPublic true When True, Flux can be accessed by every outside requestor authenticated even if no Authorization is set on BusinessAccount
OpenData false When True, Flux is accessible as OpenData file to everyone
  • To override Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json
  • To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback

Post Data sample

POST /json/reply/ShareFlux HTTP/1.1 
Host: localhost 
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length


cURL command sample

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PATCH -d @filename.json
@filename.json contain your request parameters serialized in JSON as described in Post Data sample bottom

Returned Entity

Shared Flux

JSON Sample

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
