LTU is acronym of Local Technical Unit (= Automate). Ex: EasyPro
Property |
Description |
Short LTU |
Full LTU |
ID of related Picture. Can be Null
Your internal code
Type of LTU as LTUTypeEnum: WIT, eWon, etc
Hardware. Ex: Dungle USB
Sofware name. Ex: e@sy-pro
Sofware version. Ex: 7.0.x
Sofware compilation date
Public URI of LTUBase
ID of InfrastructureBase
Last exchange Date between LTU and WDC plateform
Creation Date
Communication media as CommunicationMediaEnum. Null if unknown
Communication type as CommunicationTypeEnum. Null if unknown
Extended properties values ExtendedPropertyValue
Internal ID of LTUBase
Value is SET only when User has defined new WID for an LTU.
When LTU is substitued by WDC frontend, WID is replaced by new WID and WIDSubstitution is set to Null
Status as LTUStatusEnum
When LTU did not call WDC at meeting time since LateDuration in minutes, a late WEvent is notified.
Leave Null if you don't want to be Notified when LTU is late